Sunday, September 4, 2011

woah! it has been forever since i wrote on my blog. Since i have a little time this goes. I have been in Henderson NV going to PA school since last july. I am so glad that this time has gone as quickly as it has, although there are days that seem to last forever, and some that go way too fast. The quick days are usually either when i have a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it, or when i am out having fun and exploring in the mountains around here.

I have a couple of pretty good roommates who are in the PT program.
I am excited that there is only 5.5 weeks left to be here. i am definitely glad that i can go home to do my rotations :). I am ready to leave this place behind!
In October one of my friends from school is getting married in Minnesota so Ben and I are headed out there for a few days. Then a week of home life until I start my first rotation. It has been a long road, but i am glad that i am getting closer to getting to go home.

