Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It's been a while!

shadow loves the Christmas tree!

Woah! I think that is has been almost 2 months since i last wrote. Things have been busy, then not busy, and now just picking up again. Last semester i got a 4.0! yay! I also found out that I was not accepted to either the University of Utah or to Washington State's PA program. Not what I wanted to happen, but i guess God has other plans. On a happy note about PA school......i have 5 interviews scheduled between now and the end of February. I am going to Portland Oregon on Jan. 20th to interview at OHSU. That would be a cool school to go to. Due to the way the flights are scheduled i will be spending 2 nights there, so i can explore a little bit. I am also excited about my interview at Idaho State, cuz it is so close to home that i could come home for the weekends! That interview is on February 12. I am also working full time, and believe it or not I have signed on for 17 hours of school this semester. YIKES! 2 day classes, 2 online classes, and 1 night class. So far things are OK, but i know it is going to pick up the pace soon. So my life will be another whirlwind for the next 3 months. But by the middle of March I should know where I will be going to go to PA school, that will help alleviate the stress a little bit.
Things at work have been OK, people always have some sort of drama though. Most everyone waits until the last minute (or way past the last minute in one case) to ask for help with their EMT recertifications. I try to accommodate them which makes me super busy! But i signed on for this so it is all good and something that i enjoy.
Christmas was nice! Dani and Kelly came home from Baltimore, Eric and Keri and new little Liam were there at the Ahern family sleepover on Christmas eve, and I was the only one who had to work :( But at least i was able to talk my boss into letting me come in at 9 instead of 7. We spent the Christmas Eve evening with my family at my Mattson grandparents house, and my dad came over Christmas night for a visit. It turned out to be a nice holiday.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas Holly! Hope you and Ben had a great Holiday!Love Kel


