Thursday, September 6, 2012

Family Medicine

Hello, it has been a while.  So much has happened I dont know where to start.  The last post was about ER so i will talk about Family Medicine rotation.  I did this rotation in February and March of 2012 with Dr. Hassrick at the Ogden Clinic. Most of the patients were your run of the mill upper respiratory illnesses and yearly checkups.  Dr. Hassrick also does on call substitution for people who come to Ogden to have their babies who live from farther away places like Evanston WY and such, so he gets to go check on the newborn babies and their moms.  This means that we got to do some circumcisions.  Not the first, most exciting thing on some peoples lists, but when you are a PA student it is awesome.  I was able to perform about a dozen, with more than half of them done on my own (with the Dr. supervising of course).  They all were using the Plastibel method which I found to be very easy to use.  I also had an interesting case with a young man who was having some ADD/ADHD issues with trying to go to school and work at Arctic Circle.  It was causing his mother some issues as well, and we tried to help them the best we could.
I also was able to spend some time with the general surgeon, the orthopedist, and the dermatologist this month.  Dr. Hassrick allowed me to remove some moles and stitch them up.  On one such incident I stuck myself with the suture needle and had to do some bloodwork.  Overall it was a good month, and I feel like a learned some about URI's and how to do a yearly physical exam.

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